Why You Should Install a New Garage Door and What Things Should I Consider?
Garage door needs a regular maintenance to keep it functioning for a longer time. Generally, the lifespan of a garage door is around 15 to 20 years depending on the durability of materials and how well it is maintained. If your garage door is more than 20 years then it’s a time to replace and install a new one. Here is a list of things that you should consider while installing a new garage door to your home.
A garage door is generally inexpensive (within the few hundred dollars) but if you are going to buy a new garage door with additional functionalities; it may cost you in thousands. Quality of materials, construction and design affect the price of a door and so, always choose one in which the durable materials used. Lower cost door needs a frequent maintenance within just a couple of years and it has a shorter span as well. If your door is likely to be opened and closed several times within a day, you should opt for the higher quality door. Yes, agree it cost you much but a better investment for a long run.
A high-quality garage door that is maintained well will work for a longer time. Durability is important when you are living in a place where storm and hurricane are common. A durable garage door doesn’t need repairing and replacement of a door part means it’s a peace of mind for a homeowner. Only durable garage doors can withstand against the storm, old age, accident and heavy usage.
Design of a Door:
A perfect design can make your home attractive and alluring to others. That’s the same fundamental for the garage door. If you fail to choose a garage door design, your hundreds of dollars are worthless. Everything matters from colors to windows design. Numerous options are available in the market for garage door design. You only need to consult with the right garage door company to help you choose the best design for your home that increases the home appealing value.
Size of a Garage Door:
For a single car garage door, the size around 8 to 10 feet wide and for the two-car garage door is around 12 to 18 feet wide. Today, garage doors come in different heights & thickness. In short, you need to first measure the entrance of a garage door and then buy a new one. The bigger garage door you buy, the more cost you pay.
Request: Always hire a garage door consultant to measure the size of a door. A single mistake in measuring the space; you may get loss of hundred dollars and time too.
So, the above things you need to keep in mind very clearly to not to be disappointed after installing a new garage door. One more thing, always maintain your garage door to run it for a longer time.